Change is Coming

Originally published on March 18, 2004 on

“All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes, to make it possible.”
-T.E. Lawrence [1888-1935]

Change is coming. How many times have we heard those words before, in the kin community? It is a common prophecy, stated by both the newly awakened and those who have been awakened for some time. Often it is interpreted to mean that magic is coming back. Sometimes it is interpreted to mean that a magical war is coming. Sometimes it’s just interpreted to mean that those of us who came from Elsewhere will be going Home. But always, those words are spoken in one form or another. Change is coming.

This time those words are right.

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Abusive Situations

Originally published on September 26, 2003 on

Abuse. It is a powerful word, which evokes an immediate reaction when it is used. It carries with it images of battered women, molested children, people who have forever been scarred by the things which were done to them. Few people would acknowledge it as a word which is unfamiliar to them. But do people really understand the full extent of what abusive situations entail? For the purposes of this article, an abusive situation is defined rather simply as any situation which is destructive to one or more of the people affected by it. This destructiveness can take place on many different levels, ranging from something as concrete as physical harm, to something as subjective as emotional harm, or even to such things as mental or financial harm.
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Hello world!

Welcome to, where I and the content from the old WanderingPaths website are now happily settling in at last.

You can find my old webhosts, formerly the Lostboys and now going by the collective handle Mitsukami, at several different locations, and I’d like to use this opportunity to say how grateful I am to them for having hosted my site for so long. Couldn’t have gotten here without you, guys. As a further gesture of my appreciation, I am presently hosting their former Heliwood and Kitsune pages on this domain.

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