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Jarandhel Dreamsinger
Arlington, VA
Posts: 540

Friday, 17th February, 2012 - 4:37 pm

I've been poking around lately, and I've noticed that there's a real dearth of topical search engines that serve the otherkin community.  Pathwayz, of course, is the only one that was ever specific to our community.  But there used to be paranormal, newage, pagan, and other search engines that at least overlapped with our community.  Most of these seem to be gone, or defunct, now.  AvatarSearch is long gone, Ariadne glitches when you try to add a new site, Route666's search function seems to be down, even Dark Side of the Net is more a blog than a search engine these days.

Are there any decent, active search engines (and I don't just mean custom google searches) that overlap with our community that you know of?

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