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Horary Chart Divination - Elven Origins
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Wednesday, 3rd March, 2021 - 12:43 am

I wasn’t sure exactly where to post this. Since it’s regarding a divinatory technique, I figured that the Miscellaneous section would probably work, but if not please feel free to move it elsewhere. 

Warning: Long, contains astro babble, may be boring.

Recently I have had some things weighing on my mind. I would like to know for sure whether I have come from Alorya, something that has intrigued and pressed at me for a long time for reasons I do not completely understand. Finding definite answers to such questions can be an uneasy thing. But sometimes divination can be useful for understanding certain aspects of a situation, so I decided to try my hand at casting a horary chart for this.

(Disclaimer: I have never tried to interpret a horary before.)

This is the resulting chart from Astro.com.

Since I’m not nearly knowledgeable enough about how to understand this, I went in search of some resources and came across the following page:


According to these instructions, the first thing we need to examine is the Moon, ascendant, and ruler of ascendant. Thus giving us: 

Moon in Scorpio in house 12, conjunct Scorpio ascendant

Pluto in Capricorn, house 3 

(Sorry, I messed up there. Since horary requires using traditional rulerships, we have Mars for Scorpio.)

So Moon in Scorpio, that’s me, the querent. And my question. The moon has to do with emotions, women, past lives, instincts, and mothering, which makes sense in a chart that’s asking about something in the past. The moon, being connected to the sign Cancer and the 4th house, also has to do with our origins – family and ancestry and the culture we come from. So that’s kind of interesting to me. And we have Scorpio, but that’s a little bit harder to interpret in this context because Scorpio energy can really represent a lot of stuff. It’s associated with death, sex, transformation, secrets, and intensity. Sometimes with Scorpio we do not see everything right away, because things can be a little more hidden away. 

The web article goes on to say, “The Descendant represents the other person you are asking about if you are asking a question that involves you in the situation; the Ascendant therefore represents you. Refer to the above example.” So going by this, if “Alorya” is our other person or thing that we’re asking about, we have Uranus conjunct the Descendant in Taurus, right across from the Moon. (Note: Traditionally Aquarius is ruled by Saturn. I messed up here also.)

One detail that stands out to me here is that Taurus is affiliated with the throat and vocal cords, singing and the voice. (Speech is affiliated with the planet Mercury and Gemini, but Mercury is affiliated with the brain and hands/arms rather than the throat.) 

Uranus is also making a soft aspect, a sextile, to Venus. But what really jumps out at me here is that there’s a T-square aspect pattern, involving Moon/Uranus/Saturn. Saturn is in Aquarius down at the base of the chart, conjunct the IC from the 3rd house side. 

The IC is a very sensitive point in a chart. It’s kind of like “the seat of the soul”, so to speak. 

Aquarius is all about technology, progressive ideas, extraterrestrials, etc. Which honestly kind of fits the theme of “Elenari homeworld”. Taurus represents the Earth and the material world – the green plants that grow in the ground, food, all the basics of life. Uranus and Aquarius are the heavenly bodies that represent the concept of “aliens” and outer space within astrology. 

So so far, I’m seeing things I recognize here, but I’m still not seeing a clear answer to the question. 

Going down the list, the next step is to look at house rulerships as they pertain to the question. Since the question is basically “Where do I come from”, I’m going to look at the 4th house (if someone here is better at astrology than I am and thinks this is incorrect, please feel to correct me in this!)

In the 4th house, we have the sign of Aquarius on the cusp. That’s ruled by Uranus in Taurus*, our signifier for “Alorya”. 

*And Saturn in Aquarius

We also have the planets Mercury and Jupiter in Aquarius, and then Venus in Pisces (Venus is almost conjunct the 5th house cusp, but I would have to check degrees and possibly get a second opinion on that.) 

Mercury is also conjunct Saturn, which isn’t in the 4th but is conjunct the IC as well as part of the T-square configuration. So there’s a lot going on there. 

Next from the article, we have a paragraph about dispositors, which isn’t something I’m skilled enough at working out to include here. I do know a little about degrees, though. 

To determine if the Moon is void of course, I checked this table. The Moon is not currently Void of Course.

The ascendant is not in a very early or very late degree. 


My overall takeaway from this chart is that it seems to reflect many of my thoughts, ideas, or feelings. But I am neither skilled enough in the art of reading horary charts, or completely confident enough in using one to divine a yes/no answer, to determine an exact conclusion.

There’s a lot of water here. Pisces Sun and Venus, Scorpio ascendant and Moon. Sort of mysterious. 

I like a little mystery, sometimes.

Wednesday, 3rd March, 2021 - 1:24 am

[removed irrelevant details]

Wednesday, 3rd March, 2021 - 2:42 am

Several additional thoughts. I’m definitely no expert here, so I’d be curious to know what an experienced horary astrologer thinks of my conclusions. 🙂

I am going to ask about this (with specific question redacted) on an astrology board that seems fairly active. I’m really curious to get a second or third opinion from someone who’s been doing this longer. If I learn something new that I completely overlooked or fumbled, I’ll be sure to share. 🙂 

Second opinion: “Well, lets say this chart is readable…which I can’t determine myself (I need a wet nurse)…But yeah, if the moon isn’t void of course, or if you haven’t eaten too many hot dogs, and if I actually understand the importance and meaning of cusps. That Moon is ‘hidden’ and coming pretty close to making aspect to Saturn which rules the 4th house, and is on the cusp of said 4th. I’d say yes? (Because Saturn is domicile and Moon is ‘hidden’ in 12th and in fall?)…yeah?”

My official conclusion/takeaway: astrology is confusing, and horary divination yields more questions than answers. alien

I would like to add, I have very mixed feelings about how seriously to take this sort of thing. I see it as highly experimental and not as a sure sign of something one way or another. In the past, I have sometimes jumped to premature conclusions and that was unfair of me. I hope I’ve been evenhanded in my processes here.

Arethinn na'eleth aTinderel

Ancient of Days
Tuesday, 9th March, 2021 - 1:46 pm
Member Since: Monday, 24th May, 2010
Forum Posts: 217
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I don’t think you’re going to find an experienced horary astrologer here, since this board seems to amount to you and me at the moment (I have no idea if Jarin is looking and I don’t think he’s an astrologer either). But I think you may be using the wrong tool for this kind of past-life question (and it’s not clear to me from your first post what house you chose to represent the question). The technical jargon in this thread kind of makes my eyes glaze over, but the first couple of posts discuss whether horary charts can be used to read past/other lives. This other thread gives me the idea that if you get any information it’s usually of a more general nature and not so specific as “was it this or that exact place”.

I have to wonder too how accurate Earth-perspective astrology can be for finding out information that has to do with life on other planets. There would be influences there that are out of scope of this symbol-system, you know? Like you might be able to arrive at the answer “this soul ain’t from Earth originally” but finer than that?

(edited because I shot my mouth [fingers?] off while having sort of mixed up horary and natal astrology, oops.)

Tuesday, 9th March, 2021 - 11:04 pm

No worries at all. smile

it’s not clear to me from your first post what house you chose to represent the question

Whoops, my bad! I chose the 4th house because of its associations with “home” and early origins. (Source)

I also considered that since my question was about reincarnation/past lives, it could potentially be more of a 12th house issue. But in my mind, if the question is “Does so-and-so come from such-and-such place?”, then it’s fundamentally a 4th house matter. 

The technical jargon in this thread kind of makes my eyes glaze over, but the first couple of posts discuss whether horary charts can be used to read past/other lives. This other thread gives me the idea that if you get any information it’s usually of a more general nature and not so specific as “was it this or that exact place”.

Thank you for these threads, I will have to check them out to become better informed. 

I have to wonder too how accurate Earth-perspective astrology can be for finding out information that has to do with life on other planets. There would be influences there that are out of scope of this symbol-system, you know?

Ooh! I once read an article about this very topic. The Challenge of Exo-Astrology – Or, How Would We Construct Horoscopes On Other Planets? by Ray Grasse. 

Like you might be able to arrive at the answer “this soul ain’t from Earth originally” but finer than that?

I know there are some folks in the “Starseed” community who claim to be able to discern astrological indications, or what they sometimes call “starseed markings”, of being from other star systems. I’m not really sure about it personally, but this post is an example of what some consider to be markings for Pleiadians: 

Starseed Markings In Your Birth Chart

(In my own birth chart, I don’t think I see any of these placements!)

Anyway, circling back to something you touched on earlier:

I think you may be using the wrong tool for this kind of past-life question

Yes, I agree. I was thinking about this post earlier, and I don’t feel in my heart like I’ve had the right approach to this. Curiosity may not be wrong in and of itself, but one thing that I’ve been trying to work on lately as a self-improvement thing is to try to move away from a mindset of wanting things to be a specific way, and embrace more of an acceptance or maybe even more of almost a self-discipline. 

It might sound cheesy, but one key word or concept I’ve been opening up more to is “surrender” or “let it go”. That can be difficult because I feel like sometimes we don’t want to “give up” on something that has meaning for us. Sometimes I kind of think to myself, if I stop trying, I’ve failed everyone. 

But as my dad once told me when I was young, everything worth doing is difficult. I believe that sometimes standing up to ourselves can be a brave thing to do, and that sometimes when we think we’re being strong by clutching onto something that must be released, we’re actually weakening ourselves and doing more harm than good.

I don’t think it’s right for me to speculate about coming from Alorya when the truth is that we’ll never know. I think that even if my intentions were coming from a place that felt justifiable to me, I inadvertently treated others poorly and did a kind of injustice to them and to myself. 

I’ll just leave it at that because I’m totally going off on a tangent and getting all up in my feelings. deathglare

Thursday, 25th March, 2021 - 12:27 am

[decided to delete, sorry!]

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