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Vampiric Elves
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Saturday, 23rd January, 2021 - 9:51 pm

Pretty much what it says in the header. smile

I don’t know if this is a real thing (I mean, I guess it probably is somewhere) or if I just imagined it, but I’ve been wondering lately if there are any subspecies of elves who are also somehow vampires. Even if they only had mild vampiric tendencies…especially sanguine. 

Or maybe alternatively….if we consider that elves are probably related pretty closely to humans (or even some kind of variant of humans), and vampirism is a rare but real thing for a very small percentage of the human population, perhaps it simply occurs the same way for a tiny number of elves. 

I vaguely remember reading somewhere, a long time ago, that elves and vampires supposedly have opposite natures in an energetic sense. If that’s true, would that mean it’s impossible for an elf to be a vampire, or would the need for blood/psi be somehow reduced?

If anyone knows of elf vampires I would be very interested to learn more. 

Arethinn na'eleth aTinderel

Ancient of Days
Monday, 25th January, 2021 - 4:43 pm
Member Since: Monday, 24th May, 2010
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I have a vague recollection of hearing the same (rather old, I think) opinion that elves and vampires are somehow not compatible… but anecdotally, there have definitely been various people around the community over time who identified as both, whether because what they called themselves was actually “vampiric elf” in some permutation, or because they came by elf and vampire individually from separate angles (such as my husband Cel, who used to host a Draestari and also used to be quite vampy, although the former is no longer the case and the latter much less true than ~20 years ago). Indeed, I have sometimes seen vampires themselves framed as “dark elves” although I don’t know how many of the “real vampire” sort (where vampirism is a condition or characteristic that some humans have) would go along with this. Be that as it may, if there really were some kind of fundamental antagonism between elves generally and vampires generally, then Kinvention North, which drew attendance from a number of both, would have been a rather rough place to be!

Monday, 25th January, 2021 - 9:00 pm

Thank you so much for this info! 

I found the article I was thinking of; it was from elenari.net:


I think I’m more inclined to agree with your assessment, however. Ashran’s theory is interesting but on an intuitive level, it makes more sense to me to say that some elves can also sometimes be vampires (and not necessarily in a dysfunctional way.)

Quote: Indeed, I have sometimes seen vampires themselves framed as “dark elves”

Hehe…the untold story of Edward Cullen wink

On a more serious note, I definitely wouldn’t consider all vampires to be elven, any more than I would consider all elves to be vampiric. But part of the reason I suddenly took an interest in this topic actually is dark elves. I feel like I have a slight recall of a “dark” elven people; not Drae (although I suspect there may have been a time I was friendly with them), but a race that feels a little more demonic or dark fae, sort of like the dark elves of Alorya. I didn’t recall someone drinking blood, but I did have a faint ping of “Wait, what if this was something they did sometimes”. Whether that’s a hint of a true memory or just me living out my own Steph Meyer fantasy: dark elves edition, I could not say. 

To be fully transparent, I was experiencing some unusual symptoms and spent some time poking around realvamp resources that I consider credible, like SphynxCat’s Real Vampires Support Page and Sanguinarius.org. I’m very happy I did because I learned a lot, but maybe dark elves and bloody marys are just yummy. (smiles) 

Arethinn na'eleth aTinderel

Ancient of Days
Wednesday, 3rd February, 2021 - 1:28 am
Member Since: Monday, 24th May, 2010
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I will leave this bookmarked to come back and say something else on later, but while working on my Shining Hearth presentation I came across this, which seems rooted in the same opinion:

Vampirism at it’s worst is an inability or block in drawing systenance directly from the Goddess’ bounty, and, as such is a lonely thing. Don’t give up your ability to work directly with Wonder if you can avoid it.


Arethinn na'eleth aTinderel

Ancient of Days
Saturday, 6th February, 2021 - 5:36 pm
Member Since: Monday, 24th May, 2010
Forum Posts: 217
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I wonder if this might have something to do with the somewhat caricatured ideas that have sometimes gone around in the general occult community of “energy vampires” or “psychic vampires” as basically bad people who go around sucking others’ energy either just to be nasty or because they don’t realize they’re doing it — something to be avoided and shielded against with white light and you don’t want to get one in your coven, and about which whole books would be written on how to protect yourself from them and sold in the “New Age” section?

This might also be interesting: https://groups.google.com/g/alt.vampyres/c/ScxxuA91J3E

Sunday, 7th February, 2021 - 11:40 am

Ooh, thanks for the link! I will have to check that out later — busy few days ahead. I think you could definitely be onto something with that theory about common New Age white light tropes having an influence. 

Thursday, 11th February, 2021 - 4:22 pm

Ah, that was an interesting read for sure! I agree with “cheerful darkness”. That’s a big part of what makes vampires so interesting to so many people, I think. I’ll have to take a spin through the archives of that group; thank you for sharing it!

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