
Online gathering of Elves, Fae, and adjacent Folk... Would you attend? | Planning and Announcements | Forums


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Online gathering of Elves, Fae, and adjacent Folk... Would you attend?
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sp_TopicStatus Status: Upcoming
Arethinn na'eleth aTinderel

Ancient of Days
Tuesday, 6th October, 2020 - 2:14 am
Member Since: Monday, 24th May, 2010
Forum Posts: 217
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This past August, some therians and otherkin from Tumblr organized a free virtual convention called Othercon. It went off well, proving such a thing can be done, but there wasn’t much there for mythmagical folk, particularly elven-faery kinds. So my husband and I plus a couple of friends wondered: could we do a similar online gather that was specifically intended for Elves-Sidhe-Tuatha-Fae?

We are still in the very early planning stages, at this point just seeing if there is enough interest to make it work. If you are of one of those folk, take our survey here! It will remain open through October 27.

Feel free to send this link directly to friends or to share it in locked posts or private groups, but please check with me before posting it anywhere public.

(To answer one likely question up front, we do not intend to bar entry to anyone who is not Elf, Sidhe, etc., solely based on what they are. We are just trying to keep the scope of panels and activities fairly narrow.)

Arethinn na'eleth aTinderel

Ancient of Days
Saturday, 17th October, 2020 - 10:55 pm
Member Since: Monday, 24th May, 2010
Forum Posts: 217
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

The response to this has been very heartening. As of October 17 we are at 47 surveys returned (!), so we wanted to let everyone know we have decided to go ahead with planning this “elves, etc.” event. We have not yet selected firm dates, but are aiming for sometime in January through March 2021. If you volunteered to be an assistant or give a presentation and left us an email address, we expect to be in touch sometime after the survey closes (so don’t worry that you haven’t heard from us yet). The survey will remain open through late October, so if you haven’t answered it already, there is still time to do so and let us know what you would like to see!

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