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Wednesday, 5th November, 2014 - 6:38 pm


This is off of my profile on F-list, believe it or not that place has many a kin. Mostly dragon, kitsune, animals, and very few unicorn. With a little editing. I have studied the lore of the fey even got my hands on a copy of An Encyclopedia of Fairies: Hobgoblins, Brownies, Bogies, & Other Supernatural Creatures. Confirming this with spiritual guidance, and speaking with deity I know this to be true.


What is a fairy? How does this fit in? Why are their so many forms of fairy? Answers are given.


When many are asked what a fairy is they simply say a little person with wings. Those have become the lamen’s answer and is both a misconception and mistake from the ongoing twisting of Christians trying to make everything fit their views. As to my studies of my ‘culture’ and race it is even more vast then the insect world in different shapes, sizes, environments in which we live, and many unique to the fey culture. This segment of this profile is use to educate the masses, mostly curious humans or unknowing otherkin of our existence.

We are symbiotic beings that meld, or in a scientific term we assimilate those who we choose. When we chose a being to take we can chose to simply gift in the lightest not affecting ourselves but in a way infecting the chosen host or we can take a more dramatic approach and add the host being essence or in a scientific term DNA to our own triple helix structure (in a triple helix structure of DNA it can adapt and graft to other strands with easy). This would be easily done on the physical plane of existence if we therican/otherkin fey were not locked in human flesh. We can go deeper than the body in a reverse way of going about it, taking the soul since our core existence is on an astral level. Hence, allowing the soul to influence the flesh, mind, and senses of a chosen thereafter.  This is one of our ways of spreading and being so diverse in myth and lore. We assimilate, evolve, spread and the cycle continues. This is why atomy/spites are simply a sub-set of the fey race, a species of our kinfolk. We are symbiotic and bring change as well as allowing those who are chosen to life full lives here, we promote it, personally I am looking to share this lifetime with others who are alike or wish to be.

There are many ways of assimilation that happens but since many of us are rarely revealing of these ways it is in my opinion best to undisclose this part. Each type will be explained starting with the lightest of influence then going from that point to each level more intensive then the next.

In the lightest from, there is the fey food.  Grown or blessed by fey, it is a way of sustaining our existence and growing stronger as we stay on this plane; it also fun to watch a non-fairy be influenced by it causing a level of enlightenment the first time. We did this once to a ward of young Mormon Missionaries, well by now they have taken mates and done our deed we set in motion for example. Though light the influence is, if taken more than three times on three different occasions one will be a fey of themselves (human fairy like atomy, elf, and spite are examples). They took the invitation five times. You can guess where they are not going after you read this but I assure you the acts they have committed will be recognized by the courts.

On the earthen plane; a fairy who feeds plants with the essence of a fey soul or by a fey blessing the food or making it with their soul influence hidden in it. This will usually is the lightest and usually the least likely to be noticed without quite a few sessions of enjoying the delights of fairies and fairy grown food goods. Normally producing a fairy version of one’s self, nothing more.

The second is far stronger, great in power to induce a hybrid or complete replica of the fairy who gives of it. That is the blood of a fairy or the soul essence of a fairy given to the host. This stage is quite deep, but unlike undead beings, the life is true life eternal but all changes are held one sided. We call it an “unlife” since aging death of the soul is an non-issue, and even this influences the aging of a human body to those who are turned. In soul, the chosen host is changed thoroughly. It will swoon the being who is gifted may even run afterwards feeling the changes, but rest assured once one has partaken they will seek to create more to add to it hive/herd/family or find the ones who gifted to join them. This happens in any stage eventually. The next takes this a step further in the process.

To lay with a fairy is the deepest point. Allowing the fairy to completely assimilate through such an act is not just turning the host but can be just as pleasing to allows that host essence to meld with its own matching them to be hive sibling or un-parent over the chosen.   Any children in a soul or body would become in a manner as well as the soul that is connected to gestate will feed the soul of the child. Just as with the blood, it only takes once to get it started, though it can take a while to release your fears and embrace the unlife or eternal.

It can make hidden or sealed persona of some come out and remove or make them tainted in the eyes of certain deities, ensuring they cannot go to judgment serving the respectful court (seelie or unseelie) or being a wild fairy after this life. I do like to know the one’s I am seeking before giving them my gift. I have had one’s that I have turned lash out at me than half a year later they return knowing what I say is true. Seeking knowledge of how to be of the seelie courts and getting in the good graces of the fairy lords. Know this, once you have been turned, there is no turning back. Fey food is a taste of it little by little which can be cleared by time if you have not taken much though even the seelie courts say in law they won’t let you go after the first bite. You can leave if you can resist the calling. The blood and mateship is complete and sealing, there is no way of getting out save the one who turned let’s you go your own path but still you will be fey. You can beg Johva (coughs God) till you are blue in the face, and make deals with the devil. You won’t break the pact you have made, you are fey and it is final.

When you as a non-fairy partake, you gain everything the one who has offered. On a personal note, maybe one of the reasons why pure unicorns flee, who knows. Dragons don’t seem to mind my company many a unicorn has flipped out. As to how Tispir and I were turned, well, we were bred, born, and raised in the seelie courts. I can assure you we experienced each. That is as close to it as I will go into it here. I been rejected by Johva. I am a trained auramancer knight of the court of the seelie of flowers or known as dryads. Kinda had a fancy watching the Captain of the Guard practicing so she tried to scare my off but as stubborn as I am well it wasn’t long before I was being taught with my unicorn mother watching. In that I never had much contact with pure unicorns, culturally I am a fairy so I have learned.

Tispir’s and my birth brother tried to break the pact, his body literally twisted to look like a troll in a mere two years, quite literally. You are safe as long as you don’t partake, but once you have you are family and of either the wild or of one of the courts. There are many benefits to therian, otherkin, and humankind alike. Including being in a culture that has no pollution, wielder of magik and will, to have a life beyond this that is forgiving and courts of rule that are fitting to your taste.

Unseelie are the darker half, some love that sort of thing. Me personally, I refuse to give raise to another unseelie save those I foolishly turned (a certain fallen angel for instance). They don’t tell you these things I mention, they love tricking and being what they are; Darkness that seeks to spirit away, enslavement, and enthralling all who are willing, that is there calling card. The unseelie have been around far longer then humanity, they know how to bring thier arts. The unseelie were born of corruption, lust, and greed the uncaring of the realms that are their playground.

I will cover the seelie when I have more time but I hope this gives more understanding.

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