Field Guide to Otherkin: Survey Responses

Several years back, in October of 2005, I completed a survey conducted by Lupa as part of research for her book A Field Guide to Otherkin. In addition to emailing that survey to her, I posted it in a friends-locked entry in my livejournal, here:

I’ve decided to make that entry public, and to republish my survey answers here. They have not been updated, these are my answers as they were six years ago, though I have modified the links of any resources referred to in order to point to their present locations. At some point, when I have time, I may write a second entry representing how I would respond to this survey if I took it again today.
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Site Update

As you may have already noticed, has just undergone a massive site update, removing the splash pages that formerly introduced the site and moving the site’s main content from the /wordpress/ subdirectory into the root directory. We’ve also introduced “pretty” permalinks, which should make URLs on the site a bit more manageable than the old “?page_id=123” structure. All old links should automatically redirect to the current directory structure. Please let me know if you experience any bugs or other problems with the site in its new form. Some errors are expected, but unfortunately cannot be anticipated.

Additionally, I’ve set up as a domain which should redirect to our forums. It will be a few hours before this can be tested, however, as the DNS change needs to propagate.