This is an archive of all Reiki symbols which have been channeled by me, along with any information I have available about their use.
- Elvendreams/Da’laern:
- Channeled spring of 1999.
- Deals with Unlocking in all its aspects.
- Gatework, transition, opening, initiation, revelation, rememberance…
- “All doors opened unto you…”
- Ke-Mai-El:
- Channeled at 3am on July 2, 2001 while in the middle of adding otherkin-channeled Reiki symbols to my notebook.
- Method of channeling required surpressing the input and expectations of my conscious mind and opening to Reiki as I would to host a being.
- I suspect it to be a symbol to aid in channeling, spiritual communication, receptiveness, and similar matters.
- Lareleshan:
- Channeled at Walking the Thresholds 3.
- Purpose currently unknown.
- Unnamed Channeler’s Symbol:
- Assists in channeling symbols.
- I believe this symbol may help connect one more strongly to the flows within reiki, and channeling symbols may be a byproduct of that rather than it’s main purpose.
- Guiding Light:
- Helps people connect with the reiki guides, ascended masters, enlightened beings, etc.
- Promotes awareness of spiritual realms.
- Though this symbol works, something about it feels awkward, as if it was not clearly channeled. Other symbols may be better for this purpose.
- Achedunoi:
- Channeled on 1/6/2005 around 2:30am, while working on other assorted reiki-foo for the Annex.
- The name of this symbol is actually a word in the language of the person I host, Alaereth Seriasin of Yyl’Nector, which seemed to fit when looking at it. The word is a greeting, though there are connotations and undertones to it I am not sure how to put into words at the moment.
- I first drew it on my own forehead, on my third eye. There was a strong sensation. But when drawing it and saying the name at the same time, I felt a tangible jolt of sensation… like cold electricity.
- I am unsure of the purpose of this symbol as yet, but I suspect it may potentially have an awakening effect for those who are not awakened. I am not, however, convinced just yet that this is its primary function.
- Refinement
- Channeled during Walking the Thresholds 7
- Distillation to one’s purest essence?
- Draw by making three clockwise circles, then a yin-yang arc in the center leading into a small counterclockwise spiral.
- Cluehammer
- Intentionally channeled on March 27, 2007 as part of a Reiki working.
- Cluehammer; Hammer of Truth; Percussive Enlightenment.
- Truth in its Thunderbolt aspect.
- Order of drawing unimportant.