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Reiki Pillow
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Jarandhel Dreamsinger
Arlington, VA

Site Admin
Wednesday, 6th April, 2011 - 2:58 pm
Member Since: Friday, 20th June, 2008
Forum Posts: 540
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When I was new to the community, I was very intrigued by the various channeled Reiki symbols despite having no knowledge of Reiki or experience working with it.  I believe I did visit Rialian's webpage to attune you to Reiki 1, but I didn't feel like I got much out of it.  I wouldn't receive my Usui attunements until attending Walking the Thresholds that June.

Despite all this, I tried to work with the symbols anyway.  I made a pillow covered with most if not all of the otherkin-channeled Reiki symbols drawn on the pillow case in silver ink, as well as an additional symbol that came to me while working with them.  That symbol, as you might have guessed, was the first Reiki symbol I channeled: Elvendreams/Da’laern.

Later on, I'd do something similar when creating my magical toolbag, with every Reiki symbol I'd been attuned to and a few “open source” ones I felt drawn to as well plus the Antahkarana, as well as some other non-Reiki symbols.

I haven't worked as much lately with Reiki symbols, I've mainly been working with the energy itself (and I have some theories about just what the symbols are and how they work), but I'm thinking I might make a new pillow sometime soon and cover it with Reiki symbols again.  There are a lot more otherkin Reiki symbols than there used to be, and I connect with different ones now than I did then.  I'm curious to see what might happen.  I can't say anything particularly dramatic happened with the old one, but I also can't say what influence it might have had on me that would not have been there if I hadn't created it.

It's also just about time for me to make a new bag for my magical tools… the old one is starting to wear out from time and use and weather.

Edit: I just realized how “I believe I did visit Rialian's webpage to attune you to Reiki 1, but I didn't feel like I got much out of it.” probably sounds… and that's not the way I meant it.  There's nothing wrong with the page whatsoever.  I just didn't feel a strong effect from visiting it at that time.  At Thresholds, I got at least one of my Usui attunements from Rialian and I felt it much more strongly face-to-face.  I believe it was either Usui I or Usui 2, if memory serves.  It's been a while.

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Jarandhel Dreamsinger
Arlington, VA

Site Admin
Sunday, 7th October, 2012 - 6:03 pm
Member Since: Friday, 20th June, 2008
Forum Posts: 540
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So, I’ve gone and done a slightly modified version of this – a pillow that uses a number of otherkin-channeled Reiki symbols and also one non-Reiki symbol.  I’ve been sleeping on it the past few nights and the results have been interesting so far.  No new awakenings or anything like that, but some interesting dreams and a general feeling of waking things up mentally.

The symbols I’ve used are:

Side A –

upper left: Alternate True Form

upper right: True Form

lower left: True Memory

lower right: Cluehammer

center: Ellis

Side B-

upper left: Elvendreams/Da’Laern

upper right: Ke-Mai-El

Top center: Se-Rea-Sin

center: Transcendance

Bottom left and right: Doubled Se-Ta-Na

Bottom Center: Achedunoi

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