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Otherkin Businesses
Topic Rating: 0 Topic Rating: 0 (0 votes) 
Jarandhel Dreamsinger
Arlington, VA

Site Admin
Sunday, 4th July, 2010 - 11:29 am
Member Since: Friday, 20th June, 2008
Forum Posts: 540
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So, I've added a new section to the links area for otherkin-owned businesses.  I've got a list of recommendations from Raven that I need to go through and add, and I'm also still adding everyone's Etsy pages that I know of, and I realize I haven't added Elvendrums yet, but I thought I'd toss out the question here: what otherkin businesses do you know of?

These don't have to be otherkin-themed businesses here, just otherkin-owned, though the owner should be comfortable with their business being listed in a directory of otherkin businesses.  If it would hurt their business rather than help it to be associated with otherkin, I'd rather leave them out.

For purposes of the directory, therians and vampires and other nonhumans count as otherkin.  I may consider splitting things up later, as the directory grows.

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