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Fluff Hunting
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Jarandhel Dreamsinger
Arlington, VA

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Thursday, 17th June, 2010 - 2:53 pm
Member Since: Friday, 20th June, 2008
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Looks like fluff hunting has taken off in certain areas of the community:





I sympathize with the motivation, certainly, but I’m not sure I agree with the methods.  What do others think?  Are any of these sites I should add to the links page as resources?

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Arethinn na'eleth aTinderel

Ancient of Days
Thursday, 17th June, 2010 - 3:04 pm
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I think “fluff-hunting” is counterproductive and just creates friction, factioning, and such sorts of bad blood. “We name and shame, we make the people that make us look bad look bad” I mean, ugh. Dare I say it comes across as banal? If someone’s actually dangerous, that’s a bit different, but this is just, as we’d say in fandom, wanky.


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Thursday, 17th June, 2010 - 4:20 pm
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Hmm I don’t think I’d add it to the resources list (as entertaining as a quick skim-reading was just now, admittedly). I also don’t agree with the tone – *or* the motivation even – as this is highly subjective, and anyone could end up on there, including probably everyone on this board. These pages will mock anyone, and anything that provides fodder or a laugh is generally fair game. And with the high amount of privacy that these talks of ours generally need, as much as there may be internal disagreements over some issue or other, to me it’s a vastly different thing to have links to that kind of mocking place. That rather triggers my “delete everything and vanish” reflex, and might for others who aren’t community veterans and used to all kinds of stuff.

Jarandhel Dreamsinger
Arlington, VA

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Sunday, 20th June, 2010 - 12:50 am
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Having taken a closer look at the pages, I think you guys are right.  The initial descriptions they provided of themselves, and targets such as Tirea Na'vi (a known troll) and Groves of Annwyn (just look for yourself, beyond description) made me think they were grounded in confronting fluff with logic more than they were in snark.  That doesn't seem to be the case, however.  Reading over the list of past “targets”, I've even found a few that I know to be sane and level-headed folks.  If genuine fluff isn't to be found, they'll gladly twist people's words to make it up.  Anything for the Lulz.  headdesk

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Ancient of Days

Sunday, 20th June, 2010 - 6:37 am
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I think that anyone who spends time on the internet “fluff hunting” probably has more issues than the people they are snarking.  It is also, as Claude said, highly subjective.

Jarandhel Dreamsinger
Arlington, VA

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Sunday, 20th June, 2010 - 10:39 am
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technobushi said:

I think that anyone who spends time on the internet “fluff hunting” probably has more issues than the people they are snarking.  It is also, as Claude said, highly subjective.

I think it depends on the fluff… some is subjective, definitely, but then there are claims like the whole “war with humans” meme or the “thousand year elven holocaust/otherkin burning times” meme that are simply, objectively, fluffy by any sane standard.

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Ancient of Days

Sunday, 20th June, 2010 - 11:01 am
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Jarandhel Dreamsinger said:

technobushi said:

I think that anyone who spends time on the internet “fluff hunting” probably has more issues than the people they are snarking.  It is also, as Claude said, highly subjective.

I think it depends on the fluff… some is subjective, definitely, but then there are claims like the whole “war with humans” meme or the “thousand year elven holocaust/otherkin burning times” meme that are simply, objectively, fluffy by any sane standard.


True.  I would still argue as to whether or not even debating these people, or otherwise pointing out their errors or “hunting” them would be a good idea, or a waste of valuable time best spent doing more productive things.  Arguing with idiots is like arguing with a rock wall.  A And it makes you look just as stupid.

Ignoring them and depriving them of attention is my tactic for dealing with such people.  Solo's is generally getting drunk and debating the point.  Mine works much better, as I tend to get drunk and watch quality television, which is at least more entertaining and educating by comparison (if you knew the television programs I would watch while intoxicated, you would get my point a little more clearly).


Jarandhel Dreamsinger
Arlington, VA

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Sunday, 20th June, 2010 - 1:00 pm
Member Since: Friday, 20th June, 2008
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technobushi said:


True.  I would still argue as to whether or not even debating these people, or otherwise pointing out their errors or “hunting” them would be a good idea, or a waste of valuable time best spent doing more productive things.  Arguing with idiots is like arguing with a rock wall.  And it makes you look just as stupid.

I think that depends on what you see as the point of the argument.  If it's convincing them that they're wrong, you're absolutely right.  You're more likely to invent dehydrated water.  And for the most part, there's little point in trying to convince them… if the really fluffy folks didn't espouse the particular fluff that they do, they'd likely just find new fluff.  Adara's a great example of this, she went from trying to run organizations that would let her be a “leader” of the otherkin community to trying to run a fantasy-kingdom themed BDSM group that comes across as a femdom version of the Gorian stuff, and calling herself its Queen.  Different communities, different focuses, same person, new fluff.

But what about the people new to this whole otherkin thing, who don't even know the difference yet between fluffy and nonfluffy?  If you've just learned that you're the reincarnation of someone from a race you previously believed to be mythical, it's very easy to become so open-minded about things that you lose all bullshit filters.  It's easy to say that you should just focus on being a positive example and let people pick between fluff and nonfluff on their own, but at this stage unless there is publicly visible debate between the fluffy and the nonfluffy people may not even realize there's a difference, much less an incompatibility, between the two approaches.  

Ignoring them and depriving them of attention is my tactic for dealing with such people.  Solo's is generally getting drunk and debating the point.  Mine works much better, as I tend to get drunk and watch quality television, which is at least more entertaining and educating by comparison (if you knew the television programs I would watch while intoxicated, you would get my point a little more clearly).


My tactic generally involves shining a light on things, whether it's internal inconsistencies in their stated beliefs/memories, inconsistencies between their stories and external reality, or inconsistencies between claimed motivations/goals and actual actions (this last generally involving groups trying to “provide services” to otherkin in order to influence the community.)  

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