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Tangible Results?
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Jarandhel Dreamsinger
Arlington, VA

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Friday, 26th November, 2010 - 10:48 pm
Member Since: Friday, 20th June, 2008
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I know, I know… it's basically the stuff of fiction.  But it's also the stuff of legend.  Physical magic… magic that actually physically changes the real world.

Have you ever seen magic have tangible results?  If so, tell us about it.

Here's one of my own experiences: http://jarandhel.dreamwidth.or…..54658.html

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Normal Member
Saturday, 27th November, 2010 - 7:14 am
Member Since: Monday, 31st May, 2010
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Actually I haven't seen anything in this world. In my old place, yes, but here I'd basically figured the world set-up just doesn't allow for much or any physical type magic.

Jarandhel Dreamsinger
Arlington, VA

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Saturday, 27th November, 2010 - 3:53 pm
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I've seen a few things.  The one I linked to was one of the more dramatic, though arguably not “physical” it certainly produced direct real-world results.  On another instance, my headmate reflexively 'stopped' a glass that was about to fall off a table… without touching it.  It stayed at a 45 degree angle on the edge of the table for a few moments before we picked it up and set it back on the table.  It only happened that one time, and neither he nor I have been able to produce a result like that again, but there was no other reason for the glass to just stop like that.  So I'm inclined to think that it's possible… even if uncommon, and not exactly controlled.

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Jarandhel Dreamsinger
Arlington, VA

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Monday, 29th November, 2010 - 3:10 pm
Member Since: Friday, 20th June, 2008
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I can't think why healing wouldn't fall under that category.  I'd consider it a type of magic, and as you said it was tangible…

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Arethinn na'eleth aTinderel

Ancient of Days
Sunday, 5th December, 2010 - 11:48 pm
Member Since: Monday, 24th May, 2010
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Sadly, nothing is leaping to mind. There was one time I made a batch of feywine so potent that the “other sight” it was supposed to help invoke seemed to superimpose strongly enough I found it very difficult to see in the normal world (this was at WtT one time – possibly in 2000?), but I’m not sure if that’s really the sort of thing.

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