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Cross-Dimensional Telepathic Communication
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Ayaka Inu
For now: Trapped.

Normal Member
Sunday, 3rd July, 2011 - 2:17 am
Member Since: Monday, 18th April, 2011
Forum Posts: 30
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I have been thinking about it for a long time, do you think, in any way shape or form that it is possible for someone capable of telepathic communication with specific entities to reconnect with those beings from a location now separated in two dimensions of space? I only ask because I wish to use my own dwindled energy to attempt to do so. Ever since my original self and family were killed, my home and this one have been severed, and in order to break what has been a chain at least twenty different lifetimes in various bodies of various species in this world, I must communicate across the divide somehow. Otherwise, I will never get to see my goal of restoring my people and my family to existence, and I will be trapped in an endless sequence of death and rebirth.


So far I have made some progress, as I have been able to communicate with “echoes” of my family, but they respond only with what they said in the past, which is what makes them simply echoes of themselves, but this is a step in the right direction, as it tells me the time aspect of time-space is not out of reach, all that needs to be covered is the more daunting space aspect.


Also I put this under miscellaneous magic category because I did not know where it should go, so sorry if it is in the wrong spot.


"Staring into my eyes, they can't comprehend what it is that they see, is it a being, or is it just an illusion, they wonder if they even really exist, or if they are just figments of my dream..." -by Ayaka Inu

Thursday, 28th July, 2011 - 2:22 pm

Hi again, Ayaka. =) I know this post is a little late in coming, but I have just been resting. Apologies in advance if I sound strange, I’m going through caffeine withdrawal right now. snore Anyway, I will try to answer your question as best I can.

Ayaka Inu said:

I have been thinking about it for a long time, do you think, in any way shape or form that it is possible for someone capable of telepathic communication with specific entities to reconnect with those beings from a location now separated in two dimensions of space?

Well, I think for a lot of ‘kin who come from Elsewhere that would be a dream come true. I don’t think, though, that there is really any rush to communicate with people who are busy living their own lives in other realities. I think it’s possible, but I also think that the best thing to do is to simply try to be the best people we can be right here. I trust the Universe with the rest. 🙂

I only ask because I wish to use my own dwindled energy to attempt to do so.

Honestly, I think that convincing oneself that they’re missing out on something, or that they’ve “failed” if they don’t reach the otherside, is a good way to become depressed very quickly. I speak from personal experience here; I spent/wasted roughly 7-9 months trying to ascend/travel out of my body (and never come back)…it was a largely unproductive and unhappy time.

Ever since my original self and family were killed, my home and this one have been severed, and in order to break what has been a chain at least twenty different lifetimes in various bodies of various species in this world, I must communicate across the divide somehow. Otherwise, I will never get to see my goal of restoring my people and my family to existence, and I will be trapped in an endless sequence of death and rebirth.

*Hugs*. I know how you feel. And I don’t really have any answer besides looking for the deeper meaning in this life. Or just doing the things that make you happy. 🙂

So far I have made some progress, as I have been able to communicate with “echoes” of my family, but they respond only with what they said in the past, which is what makes them simply echoes of themselves, but this is a step in the right direction, as it tells me the time aspect of time-space is not out of reach, all that needs to be covered is the more daunting space aspect.

*shrugs* Do whatever you want. 🙂 I may have my opinions and my values system which is right for me, but I can’t pretend to understand what your experience is. smile I have never succeeded in fully leaving my body, but many other people have, and it is a very safe thing to do.

Also I put this under miscellaneous magic category because I did not know where it should go, so sorry if it is in the wrong spot.

It’s fine. 🙂 I’m just sorry that I can’t be in a better headspace right now to really reply to you.

Ayaka Inu
For now: Trapped.

Normal Member
Friday, 29th July, 2011 - 6:22 pm
Member Since: Monday, 18th April, 2011
Forum Posts: 30
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Thank you for the input, I quite like the openness of your speech. I have actually had a breakthrough since posting this, in the form of an “echo” that was not an “echo”. It was Sol, my mate, and by proxy of Valhalla I was, briefly, able to communicate with his soul, he is in this world now as well, but not yet born, so I may be able to be whole again one day, if two survived, maybe more have as well, if so, we can return one day.


"Staring into my eyes, they can't comprehend what it is that they see, is it a being, or is it just an illusion, they wonder if they even really exist, or if they are just figments of my dream..." -by Ayaka Inu

Saturday, 30th July, 2011 - 1:44 pm

Ayaka Inu said:

Thank you for the input, I quite like the openness of your speech.

Well you’re very welcome, but I’ve gotten into trouble for it, haha ;D

if two survived, maybe more have as well, if so, we can return one day.

Maybe you will. 🙂 I wouldn’t feel badly about not being able to bring back a race lost to extinction, though. As long as you exist, then they live in your heart.

Ayaka Inu
For now: Trapped.

Normal Member
Sunday, 31st July, 2011 - 2:37 pm
Member Since: Monday, 18th April, 2011
Forum Posts: 30
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Normally I would agree that trying to bring back an “extinct” race is a good way to lead into depression and disappointment, but sadly it is the only reason I still live, I have always been depressed and disappointed with myself for not being able to save them, I have nothing else to live for, I can never love a human being, and I am doomed to a life of homelessness once I come of age, but so long as the prospect of their restoration exists I will not cease to be. As long as the moon circles the earth, we will eventually be restored, and I can be with my family again.


"Staring into my eyes, they can't comprehend what it is that they see, is it a being, or is it just an illusion, they wonder if they even really exist, or if they are just figments of my dream..." -by Ayaka Inu

Tuesday, 2nd August, 2011 - 7:53 pm

Well, you take really good care of yourself, okay? 🙂 Personally, I think you've a lot going for you, including being artistic. I've looked at your abstract prints on DA, and they're much better than anything I could have done.

If you want help with managing any depression, resources abound. What's doing some good for me right now is the support of a group, and natural healing modalities like acupuncture and Reiki can also be great. You just have to find what works for you. (BTW, that red/white egg you have is a rare. geekyWelcome to Dragon Cave. :D)

Ayaka Inu
For now: Trapped.

Normal Member
Wednesday, 3rd August, 2011 - 7:43 pm
Member Since: Monday, 18th April, 2011
Forum Posts: 30
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liryen said:

Well, you take really good care of yourself, okay? 🙂 Personally, I think you've a lot going for you, including being artistic. I've looked at your abstract prints on DA, and they're much better than anything I could have done.

If you want help with managing any depression, resources abound. What's doing some good for me right now is the support of a group, and natural healing modalities like acupuncture and Reiki can also be great. You just have to find what works for you. (BTW, that red/white egg you have is a rare. geekyWelcome to Dragon Cave. :D)


Thanks for your words of support. (And thanks for the welcome, and yes I
know its rare, I have the rares memorized and am seeking them. :D)


"Staring into my eyes, they can't comprehend what it is that they see, is it a being, or is it just an illusion, they wonder if they even really exist, or if they are just figments of my dream..." -by Ayaka Inu

Sunday, 7th August, 2011 - 4:16 am

Cool. 🙂 I always get my eggs from the AP, but I don’t really collect anything in particular. On an unrelated note, are you able to review and reject or approve user descriptions of people’s dragons? The reason I ask is that I just now approved a bunch of them, including the one you wrote for Felwings, and it says on that page that rejection/approval are in the hands of the mods. If I’m a moderator, then that’s news to me. alien

Ayaka Inu
For now: Trapped.

Normal Member
Sunday, 7th August, 2011 - 11:36 am
Member Since: Monday, 18th April, 2011
Forum Posts: 30
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

From what I gather the review option is just so users can give feedback to the describer, the mods still do the approval.


"Staring into my eyes, they can't comprehend what it is that they see, is it a being, or is it just an illusion, they wonder if they even really exist, or if they are just figments of my dream..." -by Ayaka Inu

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