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Pics or it didn't happen
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Ancient of Days

Tuesday, 8th June, 2010 - 9:02 am
Member Since: Saturday, 22nd May, 2010
Forum Posts: 79
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Walk-ins tend to deal with some exceptional bullshit when coming into this world, but not without some reason.  There are so many fakers, bullshitters, people seeking attention, or otherwise people internalizing their own fanfiction fantasies in their sick little heads.

That said, I still think there needs to be a resource or fallback for walk-ins who are dealing with psychological baggage from the previous lifetime they stepped out of.  And I say “previous lifetime” very loosely, because for a large amount of us, with the exception of certain degrees of amnesia, it is more like one life flowing directly into another.

For that matter, it also seems trendy to silence people who have “awakened” to a past life where something fucked up occurred, telling them to “just get over it”, or “it’s all in the past”.  This works for some people, but not all.

Granted, a large degree of these people may be spouting utter bullshit, but what about those who aren’t attention-seekers or otherwise fulfilling their own sick fantasies?  What of those people who experienced something genuine, and may still be experiencing some of the after-effects of those events?  Is there a way or method by which we can screen people who carry genuine symptoms of PTSD, for example?  What support base would we set up?  Obviously people in these circumstances can’t go to a psychologist with this shit.

I am a walk-in, and to make a long story exceptionally short, I have my own share of psychological baggage, which I largely tend to keep to myself.  I also exhibit what could be termed subtle body damage, both from imprinting from previous times, and certain fucked up events in this present one.  My own situation has caused me to consider others who may be in similar positions.  I don’t find myself running off to bear my soul to anyone any time soon, but I think it is a topic that needs addressing.



Normal Member
Tuesday, 8th June, 2010 - 6:36 pm
Member Since: Monday, 31st May, 2010
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This needs more thought obviously. But my quick and pessimistic first reply would be that there is no way of screening or testing people about that, nor would I want to subject myself or anyone to that sort of thing – I’d rather not bother at all. In the end there really is only taking the chance to believe someone’s words or not, and being potentially wrong about it.

And for more pessimism, I don’t think there’s any help here for that either and no support that’s not from closest trusted people, who are hard to come by in this kind of situation we’re in. Obviously more than 99% of the world population are out by default.

Then again I’m not yet familiar enough with the whole psychiatric/analytical concept to gauge how much I’d say it can help there – to me it sounds very foreign and not like anything that has any relevance to me. So it’s far from anything I’d seek out in the first place. I also don’t feel in need of help though, so I may just be lacking that perspective altogether.

Overall I think there really are just us few who are grouped together in certain combinations of people, and that has to do. If I was wrong, that’d probably be good for quite a few people – but I can’t muster that optimism.


Ancient of Days

Thursday, 10th June, 2010 - 8:47 am
Member Since: Saturday, 22nd May, 2010
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You bring up a good point.  I’m not too optimistic about certain aspects of this, either.  And perhaps “screening” is a bit harsh, but there are so many roleplayers and attention-seekers, some of which can actually do damage to people who really have valid struggles.  Your system knows this from personal experience, having dealt with certain individuals who will remain unmentioned.  As have our system.

Part of the problem is also the whole stigma of multiple = unstable.  Although incorrect, there are quite a few people out there that do a good job of giving truth to the stereotype.  There should be a method by which some can achieve better functionality or otherwise deal with psychological baggage carried over from other places/lives.  But I guess I shouldn’t bother holding my breath.



Normal Member
Thursday, 10th June, 2010 - 1:07 pm
Member Since: Monday, 31st May, 2010
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I think we’re really the pioneers here. (To use somewhat less depressing language for once. wink) This isn’t anything that’s been addressed in any public or mainstream area so far (if i has been somewhere in private by others, we can’t know), and it’s probably through the internet subcultures, despite all the … less productive elements… that there has been a community with general concerns formulated at all. And it’s obviously still very far from any mainstream concern – probably the “still” in this sentence is too optimistic in itself. What it comes down to is that we are the ones who have to figure out how to deal with things best. And I think that’s entirely possible. Why listen to others, when we’re always talking as derisively about others’ writing on the topics in question as we are? If there’s any way one can work this out, we’ll be the ones to find it. Because there really isn’t anyone else to rely on, and because we’re already doing a better job than quite a few others, judging by the state of the community/ies.


Ancient of Days
Thursday, 10th June, 2010 - 3:11 pm
Member Since: Sunday, 9th August, 2009
Forum Posts: 25
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technobushi said:

Walk-ins tend to deal with some exceptional bullshit when coming into this world, but not without some reason.  There are so many fakers, bullshitters, people seeking attention, or otherwise people internalizing their own fanfiction fantasies in their sick little heads.

This is one of the reasons I fell quiet, particularly after I became the main fronter in the system. Sometimes I look at the fakers and bullshitters with their fanfic fantasies, and then I look at myself, and to an outsider I imagine my story looks exactly the same. I can’t prove my case any more than those people, nor do I particularly want to have to defend myself and my head-mates at every turn.

There are others in our group who won’t post at all, or even allow me to discuss where they come from, even in a forum like this, because of the fear of being thought of as another faker.

That said, I still think there needs to be a resource or fallback for
walk-ins who are dealing with psychological baggage from the previous
lifetime they stepped out of.  And I say “previous lifetime” very
loosely, because for a large amount of us, with the exception of certain
degrees of amnesia, it is more like one life flowing directly into

For that matter, it also seems trendy to silence people who have
“awakened” to a past life where something fucked up occurred, telling
them to “just get over it”, or “it’s all in the past”.  This works for
some people, but not all.

It’s incredibly difficult if not impossible to get any sort of professional help dealing with issues when those issues “belong” to a walk-in or head-mate. So sometimes the advice to “just get over it” is really the only option we have.

I guess I’ve been lucky, my baggage has been comparatively easy to bear, and the support I had from Arhuaine, particularly in the first few years, was quite literally life-changing for me. In the best possible way. I honestly think that if I’d remained in the same psychological state I was in when I first arrived, I’d be either dead or in jail by now.

Also one of my head-mates suffers with PTSD due to some things that happened before he came here, and some things will still trigger a panic reaction in him. It saddens and worries me that there’s no way for me to get him any help to deal with that, other than to ensure that the sort of situations that might trigger him, are avoided.



Normal Member
Thursday, 10th June, 2010 - 3:32 pm
Member Since: Monday, 31st May, 2010
Forum Posts: 122
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casteylan said:

This is one of the reasons I fell quiet, particularly after I became the main fronter in the system. Sometimes I look at the fakers and bullshitters with their fanfic fantasies, and then I look at myself, and to an outsider I imagine my story looks exactly the same. I can’t prove my case any more than those people, nor do I particularly want to have to defend myself and my head-mates at every turn.

There are others in our group who won’t post at all, or even allow me to discuss where they come from, even in a forum like this, because of the fear of being thought of as another faker.


Oh, yes. Indeed. My system was somewhat involved with the relevant communities for a while, long before I did any real fronting, and got burned out by it. We’re now staying firmly within our small circles for any serious talk or any revelations about identity matters. I’m even a lot less shy than some of my headmates, and I still keep a lot to myself because – well I just can’t be bothered with trying to argue my case for not being “one of those”, and honestly, that would be an easy conclusion to come to with me, too.

*laugh* Looks like we’re all sort of the same, doesn’t it.

It’s incredibly difficult if not impossible to get any sort of professional help dealing with issues when those issues “belong” to a walk-in or head-mate. So sometimes the advice to “just get over it” is really the only option we have.



Yeah, exactly.

I suppose I also got comparatively lucky, and I feel like quite the cynic or sociopath for rating things like this, but that’s just my psychological make-up maybe. And fact is, I wouldn’t have gotten psychological help in the lifetime before this either, because we didn’t have that kind of culture. You really did just “get over it”, or you didn’t and saw about getting by somehow anyway. That was all there was. And I don’t miss that kind of thing either, I wouldn’t go if I had the opportunity. But I do wish there was better help for those who actually want it. I guess that’s really our job though, utterly unqualified as we may be.

The Doctor
I am everywhere.

Ancient of Days
Monday, 21st June, 2010 - 10:36 am
Member Since: Monday, 21st June, 2010
Forum Posts: 28
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Claude said:

I think we're really the pioneers here. (To use somewhat less depressing language for once. wink) This isn't anything that's been addressed in any public or mainstream area so far (if i has been somewhere in private by others, we can't know), and it's probably through the internet subcultures, despite all the … less productive elements… that there has been a community with general concerns formulated at all. And it's obviously still very far from any mainstream concern – probably the “still” in this sentence is too optimistic in itself.


In recent years there have been one or two attempts to bring this phenomenon to the mainstream but they thankfully never went anywhere.  Word got out in the form of requests for interviews but very, very few responses seemed to make it back.

The individual in question (who was of a different sort) was amazingly well spoken and seemed to have his head firmly attached.  Not sensationalistic at all.  I should find that recording in my archives one day…

The Doctor
I am everywhere.

Ancient of Days
Monday, 21st June, 2010 - 10:49 am
Member Since: Monday, 21st June, 2010
Forum Posts: 28
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casteylan said:

It's incredibly difficult if not impossible to get any sort of professional help dealing with issues when those issues “belong” to a walk-in or head-mate. So sometimes the advice to “just get over it” is really the only option we have.
I guess I've been lucky, my baggage has been comparatively easy to bear, and the support I had from Arhuaine, particularly in the first few years, was quite literally life-changing for me. In the best possible way. I honestly think that if I'd remained in the same psychological state I was in when I first arrived, I'd be either dead or in jail by now. 


Difficult in the extreme, to be sure, but not impossible.  Our host body also evidences the characteristic neurochemical adaptations of PTSD from before our arrival (in addition to things that we would much rather not recall if it were possible), so we are able to dovetail our respective difficulties into what happened this time 'round.  Having a very open-minded therapist (ideally, one who specialises in PTSD and organic neurological damage) is incredibly helpful.

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