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Books on Channeling
Topic Rating: 0 Topic Rating: 0 (0 votes) 
Jarandhel Dreamsinger
Arlington, VA

Site Admin
Wednesday, 23rd June, 2010 - 9:30 am
Member Since: Friday, 20th June, 2008
Forum Posts: 540
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I imagine that I just heard a collective groan when y'all read that topic title.  I know, I know… most of them are crap.  But at the moment, I'm reading a fairly interesting one that I picked up a while back, started to read, then never quite found the time to finish.  Channeling: Investigations on Receiving Information from Paranormal Sources by Jon Klimo.  I believe I have the original edition, not the revised (I bought it used).


It seems to be a very even-handed look at channeling… not fully skeptical, but not a kool-aid drinker by any means either.  It even specifically calls out some famous channeled beings like Ramtha as being “Third-Rate Yule Brennar impressions”, and suggests that the most parsimonious explanation for them is fakery.  It also looks at channeling in both a modern and historical context, which I very much appreciate.  It also mentions that some channeled beings are nonhuman, both “star brothers” (possibly an earlier version of “star people”/”starseed”) and angels being examples given.


Anyone else read this book?  If so, what'd you think?  If not… know any other good books on the subject of channeling/channeled beings/walk-ins?

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